Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Orlando Through Writer's Eyes

The buzz of Orlando's Little Vietnam.
The chilly depths of Wekiva Springs.
A new book shines a light
on the Central Florida
that lives in Mickey's shadow.

The book is coming out the end of April with a collection of 101 of the 2012 first quarter poems. I'm taking down the posts, but I'll leave the first stanza of each poem.

Monday, January 30, 2012


Three hours before dawn
on Interstate Seventy-Five,
a nineteen-vehicle pileup
killed ten people, and
sent eighteen to the hospital.
Twelve passenger vehicles and
seven semi-trailer rigs collided.

It looked like the end of the world.
Wreckage, burned and twisted,
stretched for a mile along
the high-traffic transit route
down the middle of the state.

Smoke, fog, and darkness.
People were crying.
People were screaming.
It was a tragedy.
These multi-car pileups often happen in the pre-dawn hours, when fog has rolled in reducing visibility. These stories are always hard to read. So many people, many of them on their way to work, lose their lives .

I hope for a happier story tomorrow.

© 2012 Catherine Giordano

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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Carmakers Lighten Their Load

In the wheat fields
of Emilia Romagna, Italy,
Lamborghini engineers
are building a new supercar.

The book is coming out the end of April with a collection of 101 of the 2012 first quarter poems. I'm taking down the posts, but I'll leave the first stanza of each poem.

©2012 Catherine Giordano

Saturday, January 28, 2012

CrimeLine Signs

The bus-stop sign asks the question,
“Do you know who murdered me?”

The case has gone cold.
The community
can help solve it.

This is an opportunity
to end the code of silence.

© 2012 Catherine Giordano

Friday, January 27, 2012


Gingrich sticks to grandiose plans;
treats voters like chumps, 
inciting public groups.

The book is coming out the end of April with a collection of 101 of the 2012 first quarter poems. I'm taking down the posts, but I'll leave the first stanza of each poem.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

2012: The Year of the Dragon

Chinese New Year.
The Year of the Dragon.

The mythical creature
brings optimism, and
hope for better times.

The dragon—
 the most powerful sign
of the zodiac—
delivers energy and prosperity.

Optimism and better times is exactly what the United States needs for 2012. Our energy will bring us to prosperity.

© 2012 Catherine Giordano

Please share this poem by tweeting, "liking" on facebook, and "+1 ing" on google circles.

Please "follow" so you don't miss any of my poems.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Obama: State of the Union

American Dream under siege.

Barack Obama:
Calling for help for the middle class
and higher taxes on the rich
in a State of the Union address.

American Dream under siege.

Barack Obama:
Calling for help for the middle class
and higher taxes on the rich
in a State of the Union address.
Restoring a fair shot for all
is the defining issue of our time.

Barack Obama:
Outlining a vision for fixing the country,
fighting for an active government,
fighting for economic fairness. 

Foes demand
that the government back off
improving the wounded economy.

This poem came from a story about the State of the Union address.  I think Barack Obama is the best president of my lifetime. I wish he could serve four terms like FDR.

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This picture from http://www.thenation.com

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Black Voter

Black leaders say that
Black conservatives are out of sync.
Most African-Americans,
reject Republicans after taking
a careful and sophisticated
view of candidates and issues.

Black voters are liberal-minded
opponents of conservative causes.
Less than a tenth vote for
Republicans in presidential elections.
They have a very positive view
of President Barack Obama.
Conservatives compare government programs
to latter day slavery,
trapping people in dependency.
A large black middle class—
like the middle class generally—
has fared poorly under Republican policies. 

Conservatives want to rip up
the social safety net.
The constitution calls for
promoting the general welfare.
Government helps those who slip—
The safety net is there for you.

©Catherine Giordano

Monday, January 23, 2012

Controversial Cure

Sickly Lake Apoka,
healing at a snail’s pace.

The book is coming out the end of April with a collection of 101 of the 2012 first quarter poems. I'm taking down the posts, but I'll leave the first stanza of each poem.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Beating Obama

A zillion
Republican campaign ads,
laying out the nation’s
“top priority”:
Beating Obama.

I find that weird—
More important than
boosting the economy
or reducing the debt?

The political calculation:
demonize the president.
The candidates
cross the state
exhorting voters
to “Take the country back.” 

From whom?

Did somebody
stage a coup,
or a heist?

And, what makes
it yours,
not theirs?

They portray Obama
not as a political opponent,
but as a usurper. 

Voters have
more capacity to think
than the Republican candidates
seem to think.

© Catherine Giordano

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Food Pantries for Students

The three R’s—and a G
Reading, ‘riting, ‘rithmitic—
And groceries.

The book is coming out the end of April with a collection of 101 of the 2012 first quarter poems. I'm taking down the posts, but I'll leave the first stanza of each poem.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Ask Amy

Dear Amy,

My husband—
Many times.

Exhausted! Depleted!
How do I
let go of this grief?

I decided to separate.
I am struggling
to find some peace.

Dear Exhausted,

The chaos of your
marriage has exhausted
you to your core.

Stop! Breathe!
The peace you crave
comes from within.

One day at a time;
make those days
a little bit better.

Even the advice column can yield a poem.

© 2012 Catherine Giordano

Please share this poem by tweeting, "liking" on facebook, and "+1 ing" on google circles.

Please "follow" so you don't miss any of my poems.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence murders.
Abusive partners.

The book is coming out the end of April with a collection of 101 of the 2012 first quarter poems. I'm taking down the posts, but I'll leave the first stanza of each poem.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Path to a New Career

A new career?

The book is coming out the end of April with a collection of 101 of the 2012 first quarter poems. I'm taking down the posts, but I'll leave the first stanza of each poem.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Hangover Remedy?

Click Here
if you need
a little more celebrating
A grinding headache,
an upset stomach,
a desire to turn down the volume . . .
on the entire world.

Folklore is full of remedies.
Pickle juice, raw eggs, hair of the dog,
over-the-counter hangover remedies,
mega-doses of vitamins, aspirin, caffeine,
an antacid to calm and protect the stomach,

sixteen ounces of water for the dehydration.

No hangover cure is effective,
after a hard night of drinking.

I don’t drink at all these days. Around about age 40, I started to feel headachy and drained the next day after drinking. 

Before I quit, I used to drink some, only at social events, but I usually stopped once I felt “the buzz.”  For me, the point of drinking was to get to “the buzz;” once I got it, there was no reason to continue drinking. Consequently, no hangover. 

© 2012 Catherine Giordano
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Monday, January 16, 2012

The Red Carpet

The Golden Globes
lures the most
alluring stars.

The book is coming out the end of April with a collection of 101 of the 2012 first quarter poems. I'm taking down the posts, but I'll leave the first stanza of each poem.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Thoughts of King Inspire

Click Here for books about
 Martin Luther King, Jr

For Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.
dreaming was not optional.
The great lesson of King’s life:
Impossible dreams can come true.

His call for social justice.
His opposition to the Vietnam war.
His insistence on faith and family.
His words and deeds, a legacy.

King did not live
to reach the mountain top,
but his leadership
changed the nation.

Today, we stand together
awed by King’s moral vision,
humbled by his challenge:
Be better.  We must.  We will.

Martin Luther King Day honors Dr. King for his contributions to our country.  However, the holiday serves another equally important function—each year it reminds us to work towards fully achieving his goals in our personal lives and in our country.

©2012 Catherine Giordano

Read more quotes from Martin Luther King, Jr. along with a brief bio. CLICK HERE

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Online Pitches

A new weapon for
the 2012 election.
Social media—
Facebook and Twitter.

The book is coming out the end of April with a collection of 101 of the 2012 first quarter poems. I'm taking down the posts, but I'll leave the first stanza of each poem.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Cheers and Tears

City Hall--filled with joyous tears,
applause, and even a harpist.
A domestic-partner registry,
an option for same sex couples

The book is coming out the end of April with a collection of 101 of the 2012 first quarter poems. I'm taking down the posts, but I'll leave the first stanza of each poem.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Life Can Change in an Instant

Both had the day off;
they came up with a plan.
Lunch at the White Wolf Café;
a walk around Lake Eola.

At the intersection
of Orange and Colonial,
two suspects fleeing a robbery
blaze through the light.

Covered in blood.
Unable to move.
“It was so fast.”

Two people
in the exact wrong place
at the exact wrong time.
One moment can change a life.

Our lives, at the mercy
of randomness.
Luck is unpredictable.
It is hard to make sense of it.

© 2012 Catherine Giordano

Please share this poem by tweeting, "liking" on facebook, and "+1 ing" on google circles.

Please "follow" so you don't miss any of my poems.

This picture is from https://d8kyhhndkm363.cloudfront.net

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Give Citizens Voice

Public citizens looking
to speak their piece.

The book is coming out the end of April with a collection of 101 of the first quarter poems. I'm taking down the posts, but I'll leave the first stanza of each poem.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Dieting is Easy

Dieting is as easy
                          as learning to
                                              ride a bike.

The book is coming out the end of April with a collection of 101 of the 2012 first quarter poems. I'm taking down the posts, but I'll leave the first stanza of each poem.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Reservoir Wars

Tensions in Florida rise
over control of
scarce water supplies.

The book is coming out the end of April with a collection of 101 of the 2012 first quarter poems. I'm taking down the posts, but I'll leave the first stanza of each poem.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Medical City

At Lake Nona,
rising like the Land of Oz,
comes a surprise.

The book is coming out the end of April with a collection of 101 of the 2012 first quarter poems. I'm taking down the posts, but I'll leave the first stanza of each poem.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Call to Action

Homeless students.
Homeless for months on end.
A call to action to help families,
Homeless families.

The book is coming out the end of April with a collection of 101 of the 2012 irst quarter poems. I'm taking down the posts, but I'll leave the first stanza of each poem.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Narcissistic Casey

After six months in seclusion
Casey Anthony
in a video diary.

The book is coming out the end of April with a collection of 101 of the first quarter poems. I'm taking down the posts, but I'll leave the first stanza of each poem.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Jersey Shore

For Season Five
the “Jersey Shore Eight”
arrive at the house.

The first night,
a welcome back party.
Old friends turn up.

Drinks are consumed.
Tempers erupt.
Deep depression.

Another drunken night
ends in the cold light
of another morning.

Same jokes. Same snark.
Bored. Bummed.
The beginning of the end.

© Catherine Giordano 2012

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

On Top

The Iowa Caucuses:
Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum
fighting for victory.
Romney led with 25 percent of the vote;
Santorum, also at 25 percent.

The book is coming out the end of April with a collection of 101 of the first quarter poems. I'm taking down the posts, but I'll leave the first stanza of each poem.

© Catherine Giordano 2012

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Arctic Blast

Springfield Thermometer
for your own personal weather station
Central Florida residents
who long for a touch of winter
are about to get their wish.
Temperature plummeting.
Freeze warnings.
Wind chill advisory.

A pretty cold shot of air.
The high Tuesday--50 degrees.
…Or less!

By Wednesday afternoon,
things will start warming up.

©2012 Catherine Giordano

For a couple of years, I lived in upstate New York, near the Bershires area of Massachusetts.In the winter, it was sometimes -5º  Now that I live in Central Florida, I think I’m freezing if the temperature dips to 50º

© 2012 Catherine Giordano

01/03/2014 Update: This year, it has been a record breaking heat wave with highs in the 90’s in Orlando Florida. . But they will be heading back down to a more seasonal 70’s.  The clock shown above is your own personal weather station for about $10.


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The End of The Line (01/02/12)

Mechanical sharks
swim their final laps
at Universal Studios.

The book is coming out the end of April with a collection of 101 of the 2012 first quarter poems. I'm taking down the posts, but I'll leave the first stanza of each poem.

Governor Scott's First Year

How did this happen?
Check out the book.
Governor Rick Scott,

Florida’s first CEO Governor,
rode into office
pledging to slash taxes,
reduce the size of government,
and create 700,000 jobs.

Scott shocked!
Approval ratings abysmal!

Overhaul advisors!
     Shift objectives!
         Ramp up fundraising!
              Rehabilitate image! 

A governor’s powers
are more limited
than a CEO’s.

Running a state—
it turns out—
is not always
like running a business.

Govern differently.
     Reach beyond tea-party base.
         Listen to the citizens of the state.

Take your opportunity.
     Try to make change …
          in the time you have.

Rick Scott has the lowest approval ratings of any governor in the country.

© Catherine Giordano 2012
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