Friday, October 19, 2012

Biker Festival

BiketoberFest is back.
Harley Davidson Riders
Leather and Jeans
Rock Concerts and Beer
Having a Good Time
It’s what we are about.

BiketoberFest was started in 1992 by the Daytona Beach Convention and Visitors Bureau to draw tourists during the slow season.  The four-day event (October 18 to 21, 2012) draws 100,000 people and brings in $200 million dollars.

© 2012 Catherine Giordano
This picture is from
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  1. I always wanted one, but NYC is not motorcycle friendly; I've lost too many friends..."

    1. In my early 20's, I lusted for a motorcycle, but I couldn't afford to buy one. By the time I could afford one, I had better sense. But still, a motorcycle represents freedom and adventure to me.

    2. I rode for 10 years in NYC back in the late 70's and 80's. The interesting thing about NYC is there are clear unwritten rules. Obey those rules and you'll be ok, as long as you ride with caution. I never had an accident or came close to one, beause I didn't ride stupid or aggressively. And yes, Catherine, they represent adventure. I took two solo 2 week trips to Quebec and Nova Scotia, one to Florida, several to W Virginia to go white water rafting. But, you must always ride cautiously. I quickly developed the habit of watching ALL the cars around me and assuming they were about to do something stupid. Riding devensively it's called. Most people have serious accidents their first year of riding. If they survive that first year chances are they won't have a problem."

    3. All very good points. Every year they have this festival, and every year several experienced riders die in a motorcycle accident while they are here. This is not to say that people don't die in car accidents either. it's just that cars offer a little bit more protection in an accident.


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